It all starts with location. You are obviously happy with this location and postcode otherwise your search would not have bought you to this designation. However, it will be important to find out if there are any other major developments happening nearby which will effect traffic flow as well as the potential for development close by to the property boundaries. Information such as this can be found on the Local Authority website.
When should you start viewings?
If you have a house to sell, I would generally suggest you compile a shortlist of properties that you would view when you are ready to step it up a gear. If you have a house to sell and it is not on the market, you may find that not all vendors will consider a viewing.
Viewings and pets
To start out with I must say I am an animal lover…
However, in my experience many potential purchasers are uncomfortable with animals in property when they view.
What to expect on a valuation
The first thing we consider when looking at value is the postcode. It’s like they say Location, Location, Location. Some areas are more in demand and some areas have more potential growth, but they all have a rating in the hierarchy of the Norfolk property market.
What Is A Click Through Rate?
What is a click through rate? Well, it’s pretty much the bench mark of Estate Agency these days when it comes to your homes performance review!
Presentation Matters
We pride ourselves on the best presentation. Below you will see the difference presentation can make to a sale. On the left are the photos of one of our competition, then on the right you can see how we presented the same property. The other agent had a 3 week head start on us, however, we sold the house to a buyer who was really […]