Norwich, with its charming medieval architecture and rich history, offers a unique blend of old-world charm and modern living. However, before you get swept away by the allure of Norwich’s property market, it’s crucial to be aware of a potential hidden cost: chancel repair liability.
How to navigate Best and Final offers
More and more often these days we are seeing the best and final offer process being used, as there is such high demand and so few properties out there for the buying public.
With this in mind I just wanted to pass on a few comments which may help
Beg, Borrow and STEAL
If you want to be a home owner in the long term, beware of falling into the trap of
How to add value whilst in Lockdown with presentation
I have been in the Estate agency industry for over 20 years now and the one thing that has really changed is how we can present homes. That comment comes predominantly from the use of digital photography and the internet but it doesn’t stop there. It has a double meaning.
Tips For Moving Day
Top tips for moving day
Well Being and Fitness
This is something to consider when selling your home… its an excellent idea to investigate the local walks and running tracks/routes that surround your home. It is also a good idea to be aware of